The Warsaw City Council met in regular session on Monday,  October 12, 2009 at the city building 303 East Main Street at 7:30pm.  


Council members present:   Keith Jones,  Randy Jones,  Brandon Terrell, Jamie Gould, Charlie French and Jackie Giles   


Attorney Mike Duncan was present.


Visitors present:    Clay Warnick, Winslow Baker, Officer Brent Caldwell, Gallatin County Librarian Shirley French, Sherry Needy, John Cain, Johnny Masters . 



#1 Approval of the Agenda

Additions:  Mayor Simpson added Shirley French from the Library, Randy Jones added HB 413 and Sewer Tap ons, Charlie French added  streets and cops, Attorney Mike Duncan added Resolution 2009-19 pertaining to the Safe Routes to School grant.

A motion by Randy Jones seconded by Charlie French approving the agenda with the amendments.  Motion carried unanimously.


#2 Approval of the Minutes from previous 2 meetings

A motion by Charlie French seconded by Brandon Terrell  approving the minutes from the September 14th and September 21st meetings.  Motion carried unanimously.


#3  Approval of financial statements & bills for the month

 A motion by Jamie Gould seconded by Charlie French approving the financial statements and bills for the month.  Motion carried unanimously.


#4  Recognition of Audience 

Sherry Needy who lives at 208 West Market Street was present to complain about a bus that is parked beside her house.  The bus has no purpose except for storage and she would like it removed.  Mayor Simpson questioned whether the bus has legal tags etc. on it?  He advised he would have the city police look into the situation.



Shirley French, Librarian from the Gallatin County Library was present with several questions.  She first stated that she thought the Pumpkin Festival held over the weekend was wonderful!  She thanked the city for having the library on part of the route that the new Safe Routes to School Grant would take care of.  She advised that currently there were 233 patrons a day using the library.  Ms. French  advised that the Library Board had several questions for council:

·        Could the City mark a crosswalk on Fourth Street from the Library sidewalk to the other side of the road for the new parking lot

·        The sidewalk had been damaged from recent city construction would it be repaired?

·        When the city paved Pearl Street that added several off street parking spaces in front of the senior center.  Could this be done on Fourth Street in order to help the Library with some additional parking?

Mayor Simpson advised that the city would be repaving Fourth Street this fall so the crosswalk could be done but would have to wait until after the paving.  He advised that any damage to sidewalks and driveways done by the contractors with the Water Improvement Project would be repaired.    The Mayor advised that the city would look into the additional costs for the off street paving.   Councilman Giles raised questions whether adding any off streets parking spots would affect the natural water run off and cause any additional problems.  The Mayor advised the city would have to look at the situation with the road pavement crew.


#5  WARSAW POLICE DPT – Resolution 2009-18

Officer Brent Caldwell was present regarding Resolution 2009-18. The resolution pertains to a Homeland Security grant for 6 patrol rifles, ammunition and training for the Warsaw Police Department.  The grant is 100% grant money. 

A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Brandon Terrell approving Resolution 2009-18 authorizing the Mayor to make application for and upon approval enter into an agreement with the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security to facilitate and administer the project.  Voice vote:  Charlie French yes, Keith Jones yes, Jamie Gould yes, Randy Jones no, Brandon Terrell yes, Jackie Giles yes.   Motion carried 5 yes votes 1 no vote. 



Mayor Simpson advised that the street paving bid had been advertised and sealed bids due back Wednesday, October 14th.  Mayor Simpson requested permission to open and review those bids and hire a contractor.  He explained it was imperative that this be done prior to the November Council meeting so that a contractor could be hired and the project started before plants close for the winter.  A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Randy Jones giving Mayor Simpson approval to open street paving bids and award the contract.  Voice vote:  Jamie Gould yes, Brandon Terrell yes, Charlie French yes, Keith Jones yes, Randy Jones yes, Jackie Giles yes.  Motion carried unanimously. 



Mayor Simpson advised the boat ramp was again open to the public.  He advised the project was 80% complete.  The City had finally received the deed to the property.   Mayor Simpson expressed his thanks and appreciation to Gary Thompson for his hard work and efforts in getting the boat ramp project done. 



a.       Winslow Baker advised Council that the Safe Routes to School required a resolution to be passed.  The resolution 2009-17 authorizes to Mayor to proceed with the grant agreement.  A motion by Jamie Gould seconded by Jackie Giles approving Resolution 2009-17 authorizing the Mayor to sign the Safe Routes to School grant agreement and any other necessary documents relating to the project.  Voice vote:  Randy Jones yes, Brandon Terrell yes, Charlie French yes, Keith Jones yes, Jackie Giles yes, Jamie Gould yes.  Motion carried unanimously.

 Winslow advised that on November 12th a mandatory workshop would be held for all grant participants.  It was stated that the NKADD would help with paperwork and to facilitate the grant. 



City attorney Mike Duncan advised that Verizon Wireless was still interested in antennaes on the city’s downtown water tank.  The Mayor has given permission for an interference study to be performed.  No agreement has been finalized.  The city will help provide the radio frequencies currently being used to Verizon.   



A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Brandon Terrell declaring the old water computer system as surplus property and selling it to the Warsaw Baptist Church for $1.  Motion carried by unanimous vote of council.



Randy Jones – Randy questioned whether the homeowners on Morton/Carlisle would be required to pay a tap on fee for the new sewer line that is part of the Water Improvement Project?  Mayor Simpson advised that no they wouldn’t pay a fee.  Letters had been mailed to all homeowners on the street explaining a new service line was being installed and if they need to update / upgrade their own lines now would be the time for them to do that. 


Randy also questioned the use of the HB 413 money and where the money went?  Mayor Simpson advised that the money was deposited quarterly into the general fund and then used for police expense purposes.  Mayor Simpson gave a background on the HB413 money advising that it was based on all Kentucky police department activity and then a quarterly check mailed to all police departments.  The city has no way of knowing what the amount will be. 



Charlie French- Charlie questioned when the damage done to city streets during the water project would be repaired?  Mayor Simpson advised that a recent letter had gone out to all 4 contractors demanding completion to the work.   He advised the letter stated emphatically that all repairs etc. needed to be dealt with asap.  The contractor responsible for the water lines that had torn up streets, sidewalks and driveways was National Water.  The City would repair and repave the corner of Center and Smith Avenue.



A motion was made by Jamie Gould seconded by Brandon Terrell to exit Regular Session and enter Closed session for purpose of personnel issues pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f) and for the purpose of proposed litigation pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(b) .  Motion carried unanimously.


A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Randy Jones to exit Closed/Executive Session and enter regular session.


A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Randy Jones to Adjourn. 

Meeting adjourned at  8:43pm.





Mayor, Travis Simpson



City Clerk, Carolyn Marksberry