The Warsaw City Council met in special session on Monday, March 15, 2010 at the city building 303 East Main Street at 7:30pm.
Council members present: Randy Jones, Brandon Terrell, Jamie Gould, Charlie French, Jackie Giles & Keith Jones.
Attorney Molly McEvoy Boh was present for Mike Duncan.
Visitors present: Clay Warnick, Winslow Baker, Steve Goessling, Don Bolte, Johnny Masters.
Mayor Simpson called the meeting to order and apologized for a change in date. The regular scheduled meeting fell on the same day as the Gallatin County Boys Basketball team played in the Regional Tournament so the meeting was changed until tonight.
#1 Approval of the
Minutes from previous meetings
A motion by Charlie French seconded by Brandon Terrell to
approve the minutes from the previous meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
#2 Approval of
financial statements & bills for the month
A motion by Randy Jones seconded by Charlie
French approving the financial statements and bills for the month. Motion carried unanimously.
#3 Recognition of Audience
Don Bolte owner of the plaza across from the Subway on Main Street was present to ask for the city’s help. He would like to blacktop his parking lot but due to water standing in the area needs to plan for water runoff. If he re-blacktops chances are the water will run into the neighbor’s yard. He questioned whether the city had a storm sewer he could tie into. Mayor Simpson advised that the city would review plans of the IGA lot and see if a storm sewer was available. Mr. Bolte could then access this and run water to the river. This would be a more cost effective solution rather than crossing US 42.
#4 Gallatin County
Steve Goessling, owner of IGa was present to discuss his plans to either build or expand his store. The Mayor advised council that the main problem is that Roberta Drive currently runs through Mr. Goessling’s parking lot. Mr. Goessling would like that section of Roberta abated so that he can then look into either expanding his current store or build a new one. He needs more room and the road is prohibiting that expansion. Mayor Simpson expressed concern that the City does have a certain liability with the road going through the parking lot. He advised the store expansion would only help the city with the larger tax base and a larger store for the residents.
Councilman Giles expressed his concerns that if the city abated this road one of the existing curb cuts be moved down closer to the property line by the Dairy Queen and the road be re-routed to US 42.
After much discussion and debate it was decided that Mr. Goessling would provide a plan/plat to the city of his proposed ideas. The next meeting is scheduled for April 12th.
A legal description of the road and property is needed and the city would abate by ordinance.
Councilman Keith Jones disclosed to the attorney that he works for Mr. Goessling and he would be abstaining from a vote but expressed his approval of Mr. Goessling’s idea.
A motion by Jamie Gould seconded by Brandon Terrell to start the ordinance process and have a first reading in April to abate that section of Roberta Drive. Voice vote: Randy Jones yes, Jackie Giles no, Keith Jones abstain, Charlie French yes, Brandon Terrell yes, Jamie Gould yes. Motion carried with 4 yes, 1 abstain and 1 no vote.
#5 Riverside Square Apts
Mayor Simpson removed this from the agenda.
#6 Warsaw Police Department
Mayor Simpson updated council that the Chief of Police had brought a take home car policy to the mayor for review. The attorney’s are currently reviewing the policy for any legal issues. The policy would allow for the police cars to be taken home by all officers for duty activity only, call outs or training purposes. The officer must live within the county in order to take the car home. The attorney advised she was still reviewing the policy and would get back to the department regarding her recommendation for changes.
Councilman Terrell advised he had received complaints that the City had no officer on duty until 1pm on Sundays.
#7 Craigs Creek Boat
Gary Thompson one of the volunteers on the Craigs Creek boat ramp project gave council and update on the final numbers. The direct contribution from KY Fish and Wildlife in the form of grant money was $120,583.54. The in-kind contribution from volunteers was $69,052.85. This for a total of $189,636.39. Because the project was under the grant budget KY Fish and Wildlife will be building and installing a dock at the ramp. The dock will hopefully be done somewhere between July and August 2010. The dock would allow 5 boats to be tied up. Contributing partners on the project were: City of Warsaw, KY Fish and Wildlife, Gallatin Co. Bass Club, Larry Lewis Excavating, Sterling Materials, Eaton Asphalt, Gallatin County Concrete, Boaz Oil, Gallatin County Fiscal Court. Individuals that spent a considerable amount of time on project were Gary Thompson, Mike Sullivan, Ricky Cayton, and Ron Schweitzer.
Gary advised that Smugglers Cove was willing to let the Bass Club/City borrow a dock until the one is built. He asked permission to buy a walkway to use with either dock. He also requested port o lets from April – Oct. The Mayor advised the city would review the costs. KY Fish and Wildlife would install 2 signs at the park. Gary asked if council wanted to re-name the ramp before the signs were finished. It was agreed since the ramp was already known as Craigs Creek to leave the name alone.
#8 Wastewater &
Storm Water Project.
Mayor Simpson advised the project is moving forward. Easements are proceeding. A notice to proceed as of March 10, 2010 and a project meeting for March 17th at 2pm.
#9 Fire House
Barry Alexander advised he had contacted the original builders of the firehouse and was advised that it was their opinion that changing the “header” in just a section would changed and alter the structural integrity of the building. A price quote of $12,229 had been quoted by AE Door for the doors and hardware to replace.
A motion by Keith Jones seconded by Jamie Gould to proceed with changing the header all the way across. Voice vote Brandon Terrell yes, Charlie French yes, Randy Jones yes, Jackie Giles yes, Jamie Gould yes and Keith Jones yes. Motion carried unanimously.
Randy Jones inquired whether there were any grants available to build a new firehouse. Mayor Simpson advised possibly and that anytime you had several cooperating agencies you had more luck with grants.
#10 Winslow Baker
Winslow advised he was proceeding with any code enforcement complaints and that he had a couple of prospects for the ATS plant.
#11 Gallatin County
High School
The Gallatin County high school senior class along with their sponsors are requesting the city’s help in preparing for graduation. They would like the city to pay for breakfast and lunch while the students decorate and practice. The city has done this in the past.
A motion by Randy Jones seconded by Jackie Giles approving the senior class of 2010 request and do what the city has done in the past in paying for the meals. Motion carried unanimously.
#12 Resolution
A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Charlie French approving Resolution 2010 – 07 designating the Bank of Kentucky as the bankable paper and funds of the Corporation (the City of Waraw) and naming the Mayor Travis Simpson and / or Carolyn Marksberry as agents of the corporation to open any deposit or share account on behalf of the corporation. Voice vote: Brandon Terrell yes, Keith Jones yes, Randy Jones yes, Jamie Gould yes, Charlie French yes, Jackie Giles yes. Motion carried unanimously.
#13 Closed session
pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)© pending litigation
A motion by Keith Jones seconded by Randy Jones to enter closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)(c) for the purpose of pending litigation. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Charlie French to exit closed session and enter regular session. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Randy Jones seconded by Brandon Terrell to Adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.
Mayor, Travis Simpson
City Clerk, Carolyn Marksberry