The Warsaw City Council met in regular session on Monday,  July 12,  2010 at the city building 303 East Main Street at 7:30pm.  


Council members present:    Brandon Terrell,  Charlie French, Keith Jones, Randy Jones,

Jackie Giles, and Jamie Gould.


Attorney Mike Duncan was present.


Visitors present:    Clay Warnick, Winslow Baker, Hargis Davis, Dale Scudder, Shirley Koerber.


Mayor Simpson was absent due to a work conflice so Vice-Mayor Keith Jones called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.


#1 Approval of the Agenda

Additions;  Randy Jones added the Craigs Creek Boat ramp to the agenda, Farmers Market. Jackie Giles added Closed Session for a personnel issue pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f)

A motion by Charlie French  seconded by Brandon Terrell  to approve the agenda with the additions.   Motion carried unanimously.


#2 Approval of the Minutes from previous  meetings

A motion by Charlie French seconded by Jamie Gould   to approve the minutes from the previous meeting.    Motion carried unanimously.


#3  Approval of financial statements & bills for the month

 A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Charlie French approving only those financials present (Investment report, Cash Receipts, Orders of the Treasurer) for the month. Motion carried unanimously.


#4  Recognition of Audience 



#5  Winslow Baker

Winslow reported that the County fiscal court had a meeting with prospective buyers of ATS and he was dealing with several code enforcement issues.


#6  Gallatin County IGA

Vice Mayor Keith Jones recommended we table this matter because Mr. Goessling was not present.  Mr. Goessling is supposed to present a plan to council on his plan and desire to close a section of Roberta Avenue off to the general public.  Council was given paperwork regarding a quote to blacktop the IGA parking lot and the section of road that runs through the lot.  The quote was from Len Riegler Blacktop for $41,800 for the parking lot, $725.00 for striping and another $10,900 for the city street.  It was discussed that if the city chose to blacktop our street we would get another quote from both OVA and Eaton Asphalt.  It was also discussed that someone from the city contact District 6 transportation regarding the existing but non-used curb cut for their opinion on moving that cut closer to the Dairy Queen. 


It was agreed that because both Mayor Simpson and Mr. Goessling were absent nothing further could be discussed. 




#7 Annual NKADD Dinner

Vice Mayor Keith Jones announced the 39th annual dinner for the Northern Kentucky Area Development District would be Monday, August 16th.  Anyone wishing to attend should contact the city clerk as soon as possible.



Randy Jones advised the Farmers Market banner needs to be fixed on the East of town.  He also advised that the vendors that had set up last weekend on the courthouse square for the Farmers Market had great produce. 


Randy Jones also advised he was concerned and hearing complaints regarding boats at the boat dock staying too long and causing some problems.  It was agreed to add an additional sign that stated “ Limited Docking” to both the Warsaw ramp and the Craigs Creek ramp.


A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Charlie French to exit regular session and enter Closed Session per KRS 61.810 (1)(f) to discuss a specific personnel issue.  Motion carried unanimously.

A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Randy Jones to exit Closed Session and enter Regular Session.  Motion carried unanimously.


A motion by Randy Jones seconded by Jackie Giles to  Adjourn. 

Meeting adjourned at  8:01pm.





Mayor, Travis Simpson



City Clerk, Carolyn Marksberry