The Warsaw City Council met in regular session on Monday,  January 11, 2010 at the city building 303 East Main Street at 7:30pm.  


Council members present:    Randy Jones,  Brandon Terrell, Jamie Gould, Charlie French, Jackie Giles & Keith Jones.


Attorney Mike Duncan was present.


Visitors present:    Clay Warnick, Winslow Baker,  Keven Hardwick from Ferrara Fire, Barry Alexander, Scott Brian , Brian Segrass,  & Nancy Reed with MeadowCreek Townhomes,  Ken Palisan, Bill Meadows, Fran Beemon, Minoka Beene, Jennifer Lusty, Danielle Mills, Brent McDonald, Skip Bannick, Tim Courtney, Ronnie Smith, John Cain, Johnny Masters, Donnie Gould, Jeff Macek, Nelson Brown, Brent Caldwell.   


Mayor Simpson called the January  meeting to order.


#1 Approval of the Agenda

Additions;  Mayor Simpson made no additions but did advise that item 6b would be discussed after item #3 on the agenda. A motion by Randy Jones seconded by Jackie Giles  to approve the agenda as presented.   Motion carried unanimously.


#2 Approval of the Minutes from previous  meetings

A motion by Keith Jones seconded by Charlie French to approve the minutes from the previous meeting.   Motion carried unanimously.


#3  Approval of financial statements & bills for the month

 A motion by Randy Jones seconded by Charlie French approving the financial statements and bills for the month.  Motion carried unanimously.


#4  Recognition of Audience 

Johnny Masters with Gallatin County News video was present  and read a prepared statement regarding his allegations against Warsaw Police Officer Brent Caldwell.  Mr. Masters was cautioned by City Attorney Mike Duncan that this was a government meeting and the meeting’s purpose was to conduct government business and cautioned him that this was a public meeting and he (Mr. Master’s) was making public statements that he may be held accountable for.  Mr. Master’s continued with his statement and advised he had 3 recommendations:  1)  to move council to file a motion to fire Brent Caldwell immediately 2) for the council to file a motion to press criminal charges  3) move the council to vote for the creation of an independent five person citizens complaint authority board to be appointed by the City at a later date

Council had no comment and took no action .



Councilman Jackie Giles advised that he had given Clay Warnick with the Gallatin County News a statement regarding a “misquote”  by the news regarding last month’s council meeting. 


Scott Brian with Meadow Creek Townhomes was present to introduce his 2 managers Brian Seagrass and Nancy Reed and again ask council for their support in the form of a letter in order to apply for KY Housing tax credit money.  Mr. Brian apologized for his neglect of the property but advised with the additional units that would be built with phase 2 a full-time manager could be hired.  He advised he had spoken to city police regarding council concerns about drug activity and was confident that he could improve the townhomes awareness and improve the area.  Several council members expressed concerns that promises had been made in the past regarding lighting and sidewalks and never followed through on.  Questions were also raised that the additional units were even needed and if the school system could support the additional children. 

A motion by Jamie Gould seconded by Keith Jones to approve a letter of support for Mr. Brian and his phase 2 Meadow Creek Townhome project.  Voice vote:  Randy Jones no, Jackie Giles no, Brandon Terrell no, Charlie French no, Keith Jones yes, Jamie Gould yes.  4 no votes 2 yes votes.  Motion failed. 


Mr. Brian asked council why they thought this project was not in the city’s best interest?  He was told that Meadowcreek has failed to commit to the project and that installing sidewalks would go along way in showing a good faith effort by the owners.  It was agreed by all that with the owners, tenants and police issues regarding drug traffic could be identified and overcome. 



a.       Bid opening; Mayor Simpson advised council that on January 6th bids were opened concerning the Wastewater and Stormwater project.  He advised council that the City has a $2 million dollar commitment from KIA through the American Recovery Act ($1 million of loan funds at 1% and $1 million in grant funds);  a $300,000 grant from KIA, a $500,000 grant from EPA/SPAPP funds, and $981,000  of grant funds from CDBG.

The total available funds for construction purposes is $3,147,000.00.   Four bids had been received with the lowest belonging to MAC Construction.  They provided a bid of

$3,548,000 but all 4 bids were over the budget the City has.  After discussion between the funding agencies a decision was made to contact all 4 bidders and request that they review their total bid amount.  No change in the scope of the project would be allowed etc.  The bidders have until 4pm on January 18th to resubmit.  It was agreed that a special council meeting would be held January 18th at 6pm to review and award a contract. 


b.      Resolution 2010 – 01  A motion by Charlie French seconded by Jamie Gould approving

and authorizing Resolution 2010-01 an assistance agreement between the city and the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority to provide up to $2,000,000 loan & grant funds for the Wastewater Improvement project.  Voice vote:  Jackie Giles yes, Randy Jones yes, Keith Jones yes, Brandon Terrell yes, Jamie Gould yes, Charlie French yes.  Motion carried unanimously.


c.        Mayor Simpson added c. in order to discuss the Water Improvement Project.  Mayor Simpson reminded all that 4 contracts and 4 contracts were used in the WIP.  Two of the contracts are finished and final paperwork being completed; those are Laurel Construction with the tank; and Reynolds Inc with the Well contract.  Two contracts however reminded unfinished and are way over schedule; they are Neptune Equipment with the water meters and National Water with the lines.  The Mayor advised that Neptune was working but very slowly on installing a 2nd antennae to fix read all of the water meters.  The one antennae originally planned was unable to read all of them.  The other contractor National Water was in the middle of a dispute with their subcontractor .  A lien release is needed by the sub in order to close this portion of the project out.  He reminded council that the city needs to close this project out and the dispute between National and their sub did not involve the city.  He wanted councils permission to have the city attorney review the matter and contact the appropriate bonding agencies for reimbursement.  Council agreed that the attorney needed to look into the matter and proceed accordingly.





A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Randy Jones approving and adopting Ordinance 2010-01 approving a lease for the financing of a public project in a maximum principal amount not to exceed $65,000 and determining the existence of an emergency for only one reading. Voice vote:  Jamie Gould yes, Brandon Terrell yes, Charlie French yes, Keith Jones yes, Randy Jones yes, Jackie Giles yes.  Motion carried unanimously. 



Fire Chief Barry Alexander and Kevin Harwick of Ferrara Fire Apparatus was present to discuss the city purchasing a new firetruck. Ferrara Fire Apparatus was the low bidder. The Mayor advised that after last month’s council meeting, he had contacted Rural Development to discuss their loan/grant terms.  The city had initially only spoken with the Kentucky League of Cities.  Ernest Scruggs with Rural Development advises that the city is 35% grant eligible.  The total cost for the truck would be $575,000 with an additional $24,000 of necessary equipment.  The city receives an additional $8250 in State Aid funds that could be used towards the purchase.  The city has approximately $140,000 set aside in a money market towards the purchase of a firetruck. 

Mr. Harwick advised it would take approximately 7 months from signing a contract to receive the truck.  Council discussed at length whether the city could afford a new truck as well as whether to use all of the money market or only a portion. 

A motion by Brandon Terrell seconded by Charlie French to have Mayor Simpson contact Rural Development regarding purchasing the firetruck for $575,000 and giving the Mayor authority to sign a contract on the truck upon verification of the loan with the 35% grant.   Voice vote:  Jamie Gould yes, Randy Jones no, Jackie Giles no,  Keith Jones yes, Charlie French yes, Brandon Terrell yes.  4 yes votes 2 no votes.  Motion carries.



Winslow had nothing new to report.


A motion by Randy Jones seconded by Jackie Giles to Adjourn. 

Meeting adjourned at  10:00pm.





Mayor, Travis Simpson



City Clerk, Carolyn Marksberry