The Warsaw City Council met in regular session on Monday, February 8, 2010 at the city building 303 East Main Street at 7:30pm.
Council members present: Brandon Terrell, Jamie Gould, Charlie French, Jackie Giles & Keith Jones. Randy Jones was absent.
Attorney Mike Duncan was present.
Visitors present: Clay Warnick, Winslow Baker, Gayle Brown , Annabeth Edens, Tanner Miles and Zac Jones.
Mayor Simpson called the meeting to order.
#1 Approval of the Agenda
Additions; Mayor Simpson made to item #7 Resolution
2010-03 through 06 and moved item #8 to after item #5.
A motion by Jackie
Giles seconded by Brandon Terrell to approve the agenda with the
additions. Motion carried unanimously.
#2 Approval of the Minutes from previous meetings
A motion by Jamie
Gould seconded by Charlie French to approve the minutes from the previous
meetings ( Janury 11, 18, 25 and 26th). Motion carried unanimously.
#3 Approval of
financial statements & bills for the month
A motion by Charlie French seconded by Brandon
Terrell approving the financial statements and bills for the month. Motion carried unanimously.
#4 Recognition of Audience
Mayor Simpson welcomed 3 Gallatin County High School students who were present as part of a class.
Gayle Brown was present from the Census Bureau. The census would begin in March of 2010 with an initial mail out to all persons. In 2000 there was a 58% response rate for the mail in. There are employment opportunities available people interested should go to Mayor Simpson advised the City has space available for any necessary workshops that census workers need to perform.
Mr. Weldon did not show up.
Mayor Simpson advised that the 2 contracts for the project had been signed. A construction meeting would be held March 17th at 2pm. He explained several resolutions and ordinances need to be approved to proceed with meeting Federal grant guidelines.
A motion by Jamie Gould seconded by Charlie French approving Ordinance 2010-02 amending the city’s current budget in order to incorporate KCDBG funds into it of $981,000 and declaring it an emergency. Voice vote Brandon Terrell yes, Keith Jones yes, Jackie Giles yes, Charlie French yes, Jamie Gould yes. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Brandon Terrell approving Resolution 2010-03 as a recipient of a Kentucky Community Development Block Grant, that it implement a number of HUD/CDBG program requirements to further community and economic development in Warsaw. Voice vote: Charlie French yes, Keith Jones yes, Jamie Gould yes, Brandon Terrell yes and Jackie Giles yes. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Brandon Terrell approving Resolution 2010-04 approving and authorizing a first supplemental assistance agreement between the City and the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority. Voice vote: Charlie French yes, Keith Jones yes, Jamie Gould yes, Brandon Terrell yes and Jackie Giles yes. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Charlie French seconded by Jamie Gould approving Resolution 2010-05 relating to compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Voice vote: Jackie Giles yes, Brandon Terrell yes, Keith Jones yes, Jamie Gould yes, and Charlie French yes. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Charlie French approving Resolution 2010-06 relating to procurement standards the city will follow involving the expenditure of local, State and Federal funds in the Wastewater and Storm water project. Voice vote: Brandon Terrell yes, Keith Jones yes, Jamie Gould yes, Charlie French yes and Jackie Giles yes. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Simpson advised the City was in the process of filling out the necessary forms for the Rural Development grant/loan for the firetruck. Kentucky Clearinghouse comments had been received today as part of the application process. Mayor Simpson advised that the fire department building would have to have the door/doors remodeled for the firetruck. Contractor Rick Peck was present to answer any structural questions Council might have. Discussion continued on whether it was necessary to replace all 4 headers or just 1 due to structure of the existing building. Mayor Simpson expressed concerns that the safety and integrity of the building not be compromised. Councilman Giles expressed concern that the city not spend too much money on a building that he would ultimately like to see vacated and moved due to the size of the fire department. The existing fire department building was built in approximately 1992. The Mayor would like to contact original company for their thoughts on the building’s structure.
It was agreed to table the matter until the March meeting.
Winslow had nothing new to report. Councilman Giles inquired on who did Code Enforcement for the County and was told Jim Caldwell.
PURSUANT TO KRS 61.810(1)(C)
A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Charlie French to exit regular session and enter closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c) pending litigation. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Brandon Terrell to exit closed session and enter regular session. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Brandon Terrell seconded by Jackie Giles to Adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 8:33pm.
Mayor, Travis Simpson
City Clerk, Carolyn Marksberry