The Warsaw City Council met in regular session on Monday,  April 12, 2010 at the city building 303 East Main Street at 7:30pm.  


Council members present:    Brandon Terrell, Jamie Gould, Charlie French, Jackie Giles, Keith Jones and  Randy Jones.


Attorney Mike Duncan was present.


Visitors present:    Clay Warnick, Winslow Baker,  Dale Scudder, Wayne Rassman, Steve Goessling, John Cain.  


Mayor Simpson called the meeting to order.


#1 Approval of the Agenda

Additions;  Mayor Simpson added Tourism, Keith Jones added sports complex, Jackie Giles added Closed Session for purpose of  personnel issue.

A motion by Randy Jones seconded by Jackie Giles  to approve the agenda with the additions.   Motion carried unanimously.


#2 Approval of the Minutes from previous  meetings

A motion by Charlie French seconded by Brandon Terrell  to approve the minutes from the previous meeting.    Motion carried unanimously.


#3  Approval of financial statements & bills for the month

 A motion by Charlie French seconded by Jamie Gould  approving the financial statements and bills for the month.  Motion carried unanimously.


#4  Recognition of Audience 




Mayor Simpson advised that Steve Goessling owner of IGA was again present to discuss abating Roberta Drive as it extends in front of Hometown Pizza and into his parking lot.  He is concerned that the road extending into his parking lot continues to be a hazard and a liability for both himself and the city.  City attorney Mike Duncan presented council with a Plat depicting the 395’ feet of road that would be abated if council agreed.  No individual would be land locked.  The Ordinance on the table tonight is for a first reading only.  Additional language would need to be added to state that this section could not be permanently closed off.  Mr. Goessling advised he could not provide the city with his plans because he had been waiting to see if the road abatement was feasible. 

Councilman Giles expressed his concern that the 2nd non-used entrance into the property off of Hwy 42 be moved down and a new Roberta Drive be created.  The Mayor advised he would contact the State Highway department concerning the possibility of moving this curb cut down.  Mr. Goessling’s concern was that if he did not move the curb cut down he would be wasting part of that property by dividing it in half.  If he could move it down it would remain useful. 

The Mayor advised that the city was simply trying to correct a 35 year old issue without creating a new one that will exist 25 years from now.


A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Brandon Terrell to table this first reading of Ordinance 2010-03 until further information is gathered.  Voice vote:  Jamie Gould yes,  Randy Jones no, Keith Jones no, Charlie French no, Brandon Terrell yes, Jackie Giles yes.  Tie vote 3 yes and 3 no.  After a brief discussion Mayor Simpson voted No.  Motion failed to pass.

The attorney clarified for the minutes that Councilman Keith Jones as an employee of the Gallatin County IGA could vote on the above motion since it is a procedural vote.  However for the actual Ordinance 2010-03 he would have to abstain due to the conflict with his job. 


Attorney Mike Duncan read the First Reading of Ordinance 2010-03 determining that the public way comprising of a portion of Roberta Drive should be closed, making specific findings to support the closing pursuant to KRS 82.405, and closing the public way pursuant to KRS 82.405.

It was discussed that the second reading could be done in 2 months as long as no substantial changes were made requiring a new first reading.



Due to several comments and questions received by the Mayor’s office as well as an anonymous letter written to the Mayor, the Mayor contacted the Post Office regarding their position as it relates to Home Mail Delivery.  The post office position is that they would not do door delivery they would allow mail box delivery to homeowners.  However not all homes would be allowed this delivery some areas would have cluster boxes.   It would be at the post office discretion what areas had the clusters.  It is the Mayor’s opinion that this cluster system would not benefit the elderly residents of Warsaw especially during inclement weather.  None of Council had an opposing opinion.


#7  RESOLUTION 2010-07 Municipal Co-op agreement

A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Randy Jones adopting and approving the execution of a Municipal Aid Co-op program contract between the Incorporated City and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Transportation Cabinet, Department of Rural and Municipal Aid for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010, as provided in the Kentucky Revised Statutes and accepting all streets referred to therein as being streets which are a part of the Incorporated City.  Voice vote:  Jamie Gould yes, Brandon Terrell yes, Charlie French yes, Keith Jones yes, Randy Jones yes, Jackie Giles yes.  Motion carried unanimously.



Councilman Randy Jones expressed concern over the Morton Avenue street repair.  The Mayor advised that Eaton Asphalt would be returning but the plant had not opened yet.  Councilman Keith Jones advised about a pot hole on Center Avenue by the Bank of Kentucky and advised that the speed limit signs on Center Avenue had been spray painted.  The Mayor advised the City would replace and repair.



Councilman Keith Jones questioned when the dugouts would be built.  The Mayor asked Jackie Giles who was in charge of the project.  Councilman Giles advised he could not get the price lower than $16,000.  The amount set aside by council was $12,000.  A motion by Charlie French seconded by Brandon Terrell approving the increase to build dugouts at the sports park to $16,000. 


Wayne Rassman, president of Gallatin County Tourism advised that Tourism would be extending the city park boat dock at no expense to the city.  They would also be again sponsoring this year a car show on May 22nd as well as several summer concerts at the city park.  He also reported that Tourism had approved a request made by the city for $3000 towards this year’s River Days music. 

Mr. Rassman advised council that Tourism would be purchasing a new portable sound system.  Along with the system a bid had been received for 5 speakers to be placed at the city park near and around the gazebo.  The cost is $8,336.94.  Councilman Charlie French advised he thought his contact at Belterra could price them lower.  Mr. Rassman advised he would send the details of his bid to Mr. French so that he could compare prices.  A motion was made by Jackie Giles seconded by Charlie French to a lot $8340 towards the purchase of speakers.  Voice vote:  Brandon Terrell yes, Keith Jones yes, Jamie Gould yes,  Randy Jones yes,  Charlie French yes,  Jackie Giles yes.  Motion carried. 



A motion by Charlie French seconded by Brandon Terrell to exit regular session and enter closed session per KRS 61.810(1)(c) to discuss pending litigation and KRS 61.810(1)(f) personnel issue. Motion carried unanimously.


A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Brandon Terrell to exit Closed Session and enter Regular Session.  Motion carried unanimously.  



A motion by Jackie Giles seconded by Brandon Terrell  to Adjourn. 

Meeting adjourned at  8:50pm.





Mayor, Travis Simpson



City Clerk, Carolyn Marksberry